Thank You Karma Cup 2019

Thank You Karma Cup 2019

Shatterizer #VapeFam we loved enjoying #PerfectClouds with you all weekend at one of our favorite events, the Karma Cup …Sarah, Josh, elite volunteers we love you!

Thank you for hosting an event year after year that truly brings together the best of the #CannabisCommunity, both in people and products!

Thank you to everyone who came by, said HIGH and celebrated the launch of Project “S” … more exciting info online to come!

To all the Karma Cup participants, judges and attendees’ thanks for sharing the #VapeLove!

An extra special thank you to J.Frost … J.Frost it was wonderful to see you, LIVE. Check out J.Frost’s engagement with MUMM – Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana and Harvestfest … and watch Cannabis Corner, LIVE three f-ing times a day from Lewisport, Newfoundland.

Make sure to follow Shatterizer on Instagram - and Shatterize with us on Facebook, if you haven't already #VapeFam! 
