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Bully Bites, Lift, Lift Cannabis Expo, Mrs. Fudgemaker, pax, pax 3, pax3, Ross Rebagliati, Ross' Gold, Shatterizer, Top brand name vaporizers, vapes, vaporizers -

The Lift Cannabis Expo was the most holistic and canna-comprehensive conference the Shatterizer team has experienced to date. With the goal to ‘enhance industry wide credibility,’ these 3 full days hosted at the Metro Convention Centre in downtown Toronto, aligned exhibitors across budding Cannabis businesses. The genuine buzz on the expo floor and strong air of professionalism overcame the vapors adrift from the complimentary vaporium style lounge. Best practices and products were displayed side by side, by the corporate brands and entrepreneurial start-ups alike. It was an impressive and diverse mix of participators and innovators.  The crowd went crazy for...

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