Before you open up your NEW pack of Shatterizer coils or unwrap your NEW vaporizer – SCRATCH & SCAN … with our NEW Customer Service APP... and you will experience the highest level of enjoyment this Winter Holiday!

We love #PerfectClouds and the highest level of technology … We’ve got good news to share and it’s #HighTech! On your next Shatterizer purchase of any 5 pack of coils or your first purchase of a vaporizer (if you are new to concentrates, extracts and the family) … we’d love for you to SCRATCH & SCAN our new QR Code experience - taking you to our new digital Customer Service APP!

Look for the “S” sticker QR Code on the outside of your #Shatterizer coil box or vaporizer box, scan it using your phone, scratch that silver bar, enter your unique number … and … WELCOME… It’s sooooo easy to use, educational and entertaining … Check out our good news announcement HERE!

Before you even open your Shatterizer Vaporizer Kit, Shatterizer DabTabs Edition or 5 pack coils (QDC, CTECH, DabTabs or S Pods)… SCRATCH & SCAN and you will have immediate access to videos that will shatter your expectations and make shatterizing a BREEZE! You can read our complete APP FYI page for any frequently asked questions HERE!

Questions/ Comments? You can always email us or phone us anytime 1-855-678-VAPE (8273) or send an email any time … we are super excited to share this Good News and #HighTech technology! We’ve got more good news coming Cannabis Community, so sign-up for our newsletter HERE and please socialize with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.